Welcome to Prince's Wonderful French Bulldog Kennel

A muscular body made for play, bat-like ears begging for a delightful scratch, a cute wrinkled nose that inspires grateful snorts, and about 10 pounds of pure love for life—these are the gifts of our cherished companions, the French Bulldogs. But the joy doesn’t stop there! 

We are also delighted to introduce the fluffy and charming Pomeranian Spitz, perfect for those seeking a lovable little friend. Have you been dreaming of such a puppy for ages? Your search ends here—you’ve come to the right place!

Available puppies

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Our team

Herczeghné-Végert Ágnes
Founder of Prince's Wonderfull Kennel.
Bikki Terézia
Terike and I are business partners and friends. He also takes an active part in the everyday life of Wonderfull Kennel.
Végert Zoé
Zoé is my little girl who loves dogs. When he feels like it, she also helps take care of the dogs.
Herczegh János
Jani is my brother, who works for us as a marketing manager. A real family business. :)

Our results in figures

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About us:

Our French bulldog kennel was born out of a deep passion for the breed, and over time, the Pomeranian Spitz also captured our hearts. Three years ago, we began working intensively with Pomeranian Spitz, and we are proud to say that our puppies have a distinguished Korean bloodline. Our mission is to provide safe, friendly conditions to raise healthy and happy puppies, whether they are French Bulldogs or Pomeranian Spitz.

Our care doesn’t start at birth. In fact, it begins three months before the puppies arrive, as we pay special attention to the health and well-being of their parents, ensuring the best possible start in life.
As responsible breeders, we guarantee that our puppies are well-balanced and equipped to lead a wholesome, fulfilling life. With a dedicated, loving owner, they will grow into wonderful companions—whether French Bulldog or Pomeranian Spitz.
Read full about us

Why should you choose us?

Responsible breeding

Few French bulldog breeders do actually reveal their mother dogs. Us, on the contrary, are proud of them equally. We protect their health and, if necessary, take them out of breeding, giving them happy years of retirement rich in caring and love.

Well-balanced puppies

The puppies are born with us as valuable members of a herd. We help the mama dog raise the little ones in every possible way from the very beginning. Although there are puppies who are more shy or ones that are more though and lively, with us all puppies are accustomed to humans and treated with love and caring.

You can count on us all along!

We know you would do anything for your puppy and we want to help you to that in the best way possible. Exactly that’s why we try to share all the professional information, tips and tricks with you so that you can really get along 100% with your puppy!

A quote for you:

"Just a small life
Just a tiny life, in the palm of your hand. If your soul could see what flows from it, you would be richer and better for it. He trusts you with his fate, he loves you, you are the summit of his humble life, the mirror of your love, he rewards you with his heart, you'll never have a better friend than he! Ervin Aranyosi"
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