Can the French bulldog be dangerous to the children?

Author: wonderfulkennel
Date: May 8, 2021

When you chose a French bulldog, you undertook, that you consider it as a family member. For them, that means they’re belongs to your pack. However, it is important to build the hierarchy from the beginning. You are the leader of the pack who must be followed, who has to be obey for, who set the boundaries. Boundaries, of course, aren’t just to be understood physically beyond which it cannot walk but standards of conduct that it must adhere to.

Such as e.g. that it can't jump on strangers, can't bite the furniture, cannot rummage in the kitchen trash or just can’t behave with your tiny child the same way as with you when you’re playing in the park. So if you are consistent nothing should be a problem, neither another puppy, nor a toddler, or an elementary school child. But let us see that the characteristics of its kind also confirm this fact.


The French bulldogs nature


French bulldogs can adapt quickly and easily, they can learn quickly the rules of cohabitation, of course, only if a good pack leader directs the life of the community. The fact that they are real companion dogs also contributes to the easy adaptation of French bulldogs. Their owner means everything for them. They love to belong to the pack and it is a real pain for them if they are excluded from it. They love the company of people. They have no special needs, only to have a good time with the owner and the members of the pack. For them, even the relax is much calmer if they can sleep near their owner. 

Nowdays the French bulldog doesn’t have targeted tasks. A French bulldog is simply a bat-eared, pressed-nosed puppy. Not a hound. It doesn't even understand what's the point of chasing a rabbit, or a tusker for hours. Of course, if it’s a cat in the yard or on the street, that’s not the case. Our puppy is not even a typical housekeeper. It may sooner see a playmate in the burglar than a source of danger.

I’m not saying it won’t wake up the family with barking, but it won’t attack. Respectively it will never be an obedient police doggie who listens to every command. They are smart and can be teach for a lot of things, but if they take something in their head, then you can tell them, you can command them, it’s not sure you may find hearing ears, no matter how big their ears are. So the point is, it was exactly invented to live with you and your children in a family, as a member of a pack. This is the reason, why French bulldogs are classified as attendant and companion dogs. In the past, when we just wanted an own puppy, I saw their appearance grim. More precisely, in an already adult copy.

Of course, today I already melt down regularly at a sight of a doggie. Today I also know how big hearts these little creatures have. There are moments when we might think that keeping them next to a child is out of the question because the movements of adult doggies can seem rough during a game. However, near a child, bulldogs become an adorable, kind, careful, restrained fairy and it’s not some fairy tale. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it too. 


The French bulldog’s effect on children


A little doggie definitely has a good effect on the kids. I note, it can be any kind of dogs but it especially means indoor dogs, they have a positive effect on children. Several studies have confirmed that children who grow up with one or more dogs:

  1. They are much more socially sensitive
  2. They are more responsible
  3. They are more intelligent

like children who grew up without dogs.

Let’s think that a little French bulldog in the family, what an example it can give to your child. Your child will see that you take care of doggie, you feed it, you give water to it, you play with it, you take it for a walk, take it to the vet. The child learns a lot through social learning, following the parenting pattern. Whit this you set an example, obviously your child will be wondering what and why are you doing. Why do you have to take it to the yard so many times, why do you have to take it to the vet, why not allowed to give the food to the doggie what we are eating, etc.

And you answer everything pretty carefully. As you involve your child in the work to make a delicious cookie, than you can involve your child in the upbringing of your doggie too. Your child can calmly give it food, you can trust your child to provide the dog’s drinking water continuously for one day too. Your child can comb their fur, you can take care of the paws and face together and accompany you to the vet. Your child will understand that your doggie can get sick too and it needs to be take care of like humans. In addition to the compassionate ability, their communication skills will also develop, especially if it is an only child, because the child will talk to the puppy and teach the puppy.

The child keeps in mind the rules to follow also, what is allowed and what is not and trying to enforce these with the doggie as well. Last but not least, the child's primary activity is the game. The French bulldogs are love when somebody deals with them. Playing together only strengthens their relationship, because they spend more and more time together in which they feel well and liberated. A doggie is a really good thing in a child’s life.

A quote for you:

"Just a small life
Just a tiny life, in the palm of your hand. If your soul could see what flows from it, you would be richer and better for it. He trusts you with his fate, he loves you, you are the summit of his humble life, the mirror of your love, he rewards you with his heart, you'll never have a better friend than he! Ervin Aranyosi"
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