
Name: Nelson
Birthday: 05.02.2024
Color: Platinum
Breed: French bulldog
Gender: Boy
Weight: Normal

Certainly! Nelson, the French Bulldog puppy, would likely be playful and full of energy. As a little guy, he’d enjoy chasing after sticks, balls, or toys. Frenchies love to playfight, so you might find Nelson playfully tugging at your clothes or engaging in mock battles. Just like Sibra, he’d make a game out of just about anything

Mommy: Blue Tan Izabella and fluffy carrier
Daddy: Sherry Tan Izabella

További információk

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Then feel free to contact us!

And if you’re interested in what it’s like to keep a French bulldog, download our free, bonus material available. Take the first step today in becoming a host by one single click!
06 (70) 624 9897

Preferred way of communication
Please write the puppy's name here

Whats included in
my price?

Flight ticket to major international airports
Pet Passport
Health certification (issued by the vet after 3 examinations)
Anti parasites treatment
AKC registerable
Lifetime breeder help
FCI export pedigree

A quote for you:

"Just a small life
Just a tiny life, in the palm of your hand. If your soul could see what flows from it, you would be richer and better for it. He trusts you with his fate, he loves you, you are the summit of his humble life, the mirror of your love, he rewards you with his heart, you'll never have a better friend than he! Ervin Aranyosi"
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